The Untold Truths

As a freelance writer and retired educator, I have written extensively across the spectrum: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and curriculum for multiple public educational publishing markets. I also helped develop children’s Bible teaching literature for twelve years as a writer for LifeWay Christian Resources. I have written for various Christian magazines, such as The Christian Leader (Regent University Alumni magazine), SpiritLed Woman (Strang Publishing), ParentLife (LifeWay), and High Adventure for teens (Gospel Publishing House). More recently, I completed a young adult historical fiction novel, which is currently in the capable hands of my Christian publishing agent with Word Wise Media, David Fessenden.
Another book for young adults and teens is in the planning stages. Over the past few years, I have had the challenging, yet rewarding, experience of working as volunteer patient advocate for a pregnancy center. I feel called to share the heart stories of young women raised in a culture where sexual freedom, outside of the parameters of marriage, is the norm. By removing the topic of abortion from the intellectual debate between pro-life and pro-choice advocates, I invite readers to step into the hearts of those who experience life-altering decisions about their unplanned pregnancies. These scene snippets are based upon true events, but fictionalized. Some situations are prevalent themes while some are more rare and unique. My purpose is to help readers grasp the truth of countless untold stories and to counter the cultural claim of abortion being inconsequential. Most women do not readily share their abortion decisions, or their emotions before or after. Many hope no one ever finds out.
Politicians, the courts, news media, and Hollywood have all proclaimed a woman’s “right” to abortion as a resolution for an unplanned pregnancy, sometimes going so far as to suggest we should “celebrate” it. Why not, they ask? After all, we are told, this genetic package of life is not life at all, but merely cells that are a part of the mother’s body. I invite my readers to learn from those who are most deeply impacted as they wrestle with the physical, emotional, and spiritual impact of abortion in our culture. I understand that some readers will disagree with my viewpoint, but this is a reality that is often ignored.
In the folder on this Blog named “Science and News about Life,” I will also post informational facts about the preborn which will rely on science discoveries over recent years. The toll young women carry in their hearts from this aberration from God’s plans is incalculable, without accounting for the millions of human lives that have been destroyed. May these stories shine God’s love and forgiveness to heal those who have been caught in this deception, and help others to thoughtfully consider the path that God intends for His children, “plans to give them a future and hope” (Jeremiah 19:11).