Hello to Donna Schlacter

I am excited to introduce you to a romance and suspense novelist who is also my guest blogger today. Donna Schlacter, also known as Leeann Betts, is a known as a hybrid author, who writes squeaky clean historical and contemporary suspense. She has been published 50 times in books and is a member of several esteemed writers groups. She teaches writing, facilitates a critique group, ghostwrites, edits, and judges writing contests. Donna loves history and research, and travels extensively for both. You will find her latest book cover and her personal photo below. Enjoy her blog entry!
The Essence of Love
by Donna Schlachter writing as Leeann Betts

You don’t believe it, but there it is–when you least expect it, when you really don’t want it, or you think its passed you by, when it seems like a burden, a blessing, or simply a bad day, when you don’t remember what a kiss is–except something made Hershey’s–there it is…Cupid and and his arrow.
Why is it that it always happens when you least expect it? Someone much wiser than me said that love is like a butterfly–the more you chase after it, the harder it is to find. We spend our lives looking for that elusive one who will make us complete. When we find that person, we call them our soulmate. Do you know why that is?
Because that’s how God created us–with a part of us missing. Some may call it our urge to procreate. Some call it our ego looking for the one who can and will fulfill itself. I call it the plan of God.
The Bible says that God created man, and that no animal was found that was a suitable companion for him. And so, God took a part of man and created woman. He took the feminine part of man, the part that operates on intuition, verbal communication, and touch, to create the perfect mate. Each creation has something the other wants. Each creation requires the other to be complete. Each creation requires the other to continue the species.
What a wonderful plan–to create us as individuals yet create us to need each other. God’s plan in the physical mirrors His plan for the spiritual. God created human beings for fellowship with Him, because nothing else He had created was suitable for that purpose. He created us with free will, because love without a choice is not love, but slavery. He created us in the form of a trinity, just as He is a Trinity. And He breathed into us His very essence. His breath of life, His spirit. That is the missing link between animal and man. Only it’s not missing and has never been missing. It is the essence of God in us.
If you love romance stories, you’ll enjoy reading Donna’s Always a Wedding Planner and The Worst Kept Secret. Discover how keeping secrets from each other threatens four women’s friendships, wedding business, and own ability to find love in Loveland, CO.
Check it out here: https://tinyurl.com/snczsf9x
Books on Amazon: https//amzn.to/2ci5Xqq
or Donna’s website: www.DonnaSchlacter.com
Stay connected and learn about new releases, preorders, and presales. Receive a free ebook for signing up for her free newsletter! www.DonnaSchlachter.com/blog
Who can argue with Truth? Great article, Donna! Thanks for having her Joan!