Keisha, did you know? There is another side to the message that abortion is an “easy-out” of a difficult situation. People have been told that “the problem” disappears after an abortion– it’s finished and forgotten. However, yes, there is a “HOWEVER,” a growing body of research shows that abortion significantly increases the risk of 1) clinical depression and anxiety, 2) drug and alcohol abuse, 3) PTSD symptoms, and in some cases even some 4) suicidal thoughts and behavior. Keisha, does this mean you will absolutely be impacted in this way? No. Does it mean there is a risk of an emotional toll, especially without any recovery intervention? Yes.Â

Keisha entered the clinic looking sharp that sunny afternoon. She was personable, well-dressed, and attractive. Keisha was already a mom, clearly a strong young woman who had managed to keep truckin’ even after a breakup with her son’s father. Now in her mid-twenties, she worked, and was self-supporting, though she did have family in the area.
“I never ask my parents for anything,” she said with pride in her voice. “I had never considered abortion as a life choice, at least not for me,” she said softening her tone. “But, I also told myself I would never go through another pregnancy by myself. I always said if I were to parent again, there would be an involved father.”
Keisha had indicated on her intake papers that she wanted abortion education. The nurse asked if she would like her to explain the different procedures and current state laws governing the procedure.
“Yes, I need to learn my options. The love of my life, my little Brady who is now four, is all I can handle on my own. I really can’t raise another baby by myself.” As she slowly and distinctly enunciated her words, Keisha’s eyes filled to the brim with quickly flowing tears.
After dobbing her eyes and regaining composure, she went on, breaking the tension with loving affirmation of her prized treasure, her son.
“Brady is the best thing that ever happened to me,” she said, with a huge smile. “Life is complicated, you know? But, nothing makes the day better than when he runs up and tackles me with his big hugs!”
“I am so glad you came in today, Keisha. You are still early in your pregnancy, and you won’t regret learning everything you can about your options before deciding.”
“I called some abortion clinics this week,” Keisha said, glancing down at the floor. “But, I hung up each time before I spoke with anyone. Then, I cried. Every time.” Looking up at the nurse and counselor, her eyes filled again. Restraining her emotions, she shifted the mood. “I even cried when I had to give my dog away,” she said with a chuckle.
“Actually, I really don’t know that I can go through with this,” she confessed in a soft voice.
“It’s okay to feel the weight of this decision, Keisha. This is a life with all the genetic DNA in place for its future, and a beating heart, even now. There is a lot to think about. Do you pray, Keisha?”
“Sometimes. I used to go to church with my grandma when I was little. I just got out of the habit after she passed away.”
“After you learn how the abortion procedure works at this stage of pregnancy, I encourage you to consider praying before you decide what to do.”
Keisha listened quietly, nodding her head in agreement.
“Since you are almost eight weeks from conception, this is what a medical abortion will look like. First you will be given a drug at the clinic, and that will cause the baby’s heart to stop. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours later you will take another drug, at home, which causes cramping to expell the fetus and placenta. Please have someone with you, Keisha, if you do this because you may need help. Risks include hemorrhaging and a possibility that not everything would come out leaving you vulnerable to infection. You could also see identifiable parts of the fetus if you are past eight weeks. You need to be prepared.”
Dear Father God,
Keisha needs you now in a very special way. Make your love, forgiveness, and provision visible to this young mom. Show her other options that she can’t see as possibilities at this moment. She loves her little Brady with all of her heart, and with such a tenderness, even for her pet, she may experience a broken heart that she cannot begin to foresee right now. I pray that she will reach out to you for answers and a lifegiving decision that will bring her peace for her life and a healing resolution for a difficult situation.
Thank you, Lord, for being a Provider in our times of need and a Healer when we hurt. Even when we stray from Your truth and have not followed your will, You are ready to forgive and redeem our mistakes. Help Keisha now, Lord. In Jesus Name I pray.
Her writing was very enlightening. please share on.