As you and I step into the milestone called a “NEW YEAR,” you might be approaching it with uncertainty. Or you might be ready to step into 2022 with boldness. You could even accept this new year as a great opportunity for a remake of things you can control. Most of us might think back to 2021 (*and 2020) and long for what our lives used to be–before the pandemic began….
However, I am ready to release that old year of 2021 and step into 2022 with gladness. It’s a good thing since I can’t reign it back in anyway. Smile. How can I be glad, you might wonder, especially with a new Covid variant running roughshod through our towns, cities, and states as I write? I have a reason. I can walk with a sense of HOPE and GLADNESS because I am not alone when I walk in relationship with God the Father, Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ, the Triune, Almighty God. Not ever alone. It stirs my soul that Someone cares so much to send his spirit wrapped in human flesh in the tiny infant of Jesus Christ. That isn’t the end of the story, of course. The Jesus gift is how we can have relationship with a perfect God. Because of Christ, Father God now sees us as perfect, white as snow, beloved children. You! And me, when we say, “Yes,” to this precious gift. (If you wonder what I refer to here, please send me a message, and I will be happy to share more.)
Dear Lord,
I stand before you on this 1st night of January, 2022, yielded to whatever you want me to do and learn in the coming months. I give you my desires, and pray for your will in my life to be done. I know your will for me, and every reader of this post, is for good. You want us to know You, and to stop fighting You. I know I sometimes ignore You, going forward doing my own thing.
Thank you, Lord, for your truth, inspiring writers to speak your thoughts for the generations forward. I receive this Word that you will renew us when we grow weary. You knew we’d need this. Life on earth can be tough at times. I want to walk this journey WITH You, not alone.
In Jesus’s Name ….

Joan, thank you so much for your insight!
I 100% agree! Remember who is in control!
Not humans, God!!!
Thank you for your uplifting reminder that God loves me dearly and will be with me every day of 2022–to strengthen, encourage, advise, and help me.
“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow!”🎼🎶
A beautiful prayer, Joan. Thanks for including me. I recently read a comment: “each day is a do over day” so we can wake each morning reflecting on the day before and prepare to make a difference in the day ahead of us.