I Choose Hope
Choosing hope instead of fear
I had the opportunity to interview Macy Mc Combs, a freshman at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) when the 2020 pandemic hit our country. It is through her personal lens that I bring some insights today. So, Macy was thoroughly enjoying her new college life last February–new classes, new friendships, and a new future
Pandemic Lessons from Macy McCombs Read More »
Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels So, here you are, looking into the future and wondering whatever in the world it will look like. At certain times in a young person’s life, the future seems wide open with opportunities. At other times, not so much. I know how excited I felt at being able to finally go
Hopes, Dreams, Expectations Read More »
When the world is knocked off its pins, don’t you wonder what will happen next? What is important in life? Are we ever going to find our significance in our busyness of “normal life”? Is acquiring material goods enough? Is being at the top of your game all there is? Or is there something more …?
The Lifter of My Head Read More »
Did you ever “find” animals and shapes in the clouds when you were a child? My father and I used to have such fun doing that. Later in life, I tried identifying optical illusions, searching for images that were not immediately recognizable. I confess, I don’t always discover the hidden objects as quickly as others.
Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord Read More »
While visiting our seven-year-old Kansas grandson recently, Max excitedly burst into the house carrying a bouquet of sunflowers … for me! He had convinced his mama to buy them for me when they were shopping. The uniqueness of this spray of flowers was that each large flower head was drooping, bowing down from its stem,
A reminder that we don’t have to remain helpless in the face of our spiritual enemies. Take heart, take authority, and refuse to be taken out.
“Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.” Psalm 8:1 Have you ever felt small as you looked into the night skies, stood on a mountaintop, or gazed into what seems like an endless sea from the shoreline? My human life, which is
His Glory and Majesty … and Me? Read More »
Being the owner and “parent/caregiver” of two adorable Bichons, I am fascinated with their behaviors. I often see an analogous relationship between their instinctive behaviors and ours as humans. Interestingly, when I put them on a leash, no matter what the length, they strain to the end of it. I tell them, “No pull!” quickly
Limits: Blessing or Curse? Read More »