An Aching America – A Hurting World
As I listened to the words of a new (to me) song this morning, I found my heart in the lyrics. I have to be honest, tears flowed from my eyes as I heard it. Have you ever had music speak to you like that? Here’s a taste: “I just want to speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mind ’cause I know there is peace within your presence–I speak Jesus. I just want to speak the name of Jesus ’til every dark addiction starts to break, declaring there is hope and there is freedom — I speak Jesus.”
Good News
Here’s what I see. There is sooooo much going on, and the pandemic accentuated what was already hurting. I could make a list of the “things gone wrong,” but I won’t. You have eyes, ears, and you are walking in this messed up world like I am. So I am going to speak truth to brokenness, bring Good News to seeking hearts.
The Deep Stuff
Yes, folks. There is good news! But, in my heart of hearts, I believe the choices for finding answers, real answers to what hurts so bad, is found not in fixing things. “Fixing” always makes us feel victorious for a short time. It could eliminate a source of aggravation, frustration, and even raw physical pain if we need healing. But, it’s the deeper hurt of which I speak.
Need Inner Healing?
How do we find the source of healing for the wrongful things other broken people have imposed on us? Maybe we were little innocent kids when it happened. Maybe we were impressionable teens who needed a positive influence, but found none. Maybe we were adults trying our best to make a life for ourselves and our children, and we experienced rejection or loss. Heart pain. Trying to figure out how to live life with joy?
Answers with Eternal Consequences
Oh, how I would love to carry a light into your life, even if only a spark the size of a match. But, much more is available! I would give you Jesus. We may grieve, but we do not grieve without hope. God never tells us not to grieve, but not to grieve like those without hope. We have answers beyond the grave! No one will ever find the body of Jesus because his tomb is empty – he was raised from the dead. And, he is coming back for us. “So you must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him,” Matthew 24:42-44 (NIV). He WILL come. Look up and be encouraged. Be ready.
Here’s the link to this beautiful song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-PiaVb8j_nbw
Your hope always gives me hope in a way I don’t understand yet. I am such a wounded child even though I’m an adult now. Without hope, I am nothing, yet I’m still unsure of what I hope for. Thank you for your inspiration in these lonely times!
“we do not grieve without hope” … what a blessing to know God has the answer! Thanks, Joan!
Your words are truly spoken. We are living in a world of brokenness that can only be fixed by turning to Jesus. i have found those who reject His love and His gifts are in denial that God even exists. They think it’s a fantasy we Christians hold on to…and they are not interested. We need to live our lives as sparks of His Truth in everything we do and say to pique their interest. You have lit my fire to burn more brightly for Jesus!!!
So much hurt and pain. I love your thoughts, Speak Jesus!
Thank you reading, Debbie. Yes, this is a new season, and we do need to be tuned to Jesus 100%.