Silent Night. Holy Night. All is calm. All is bright.

Christmas peace? Have you figured out how to attain peace in the flurry of America’s holiday? Most people I know are racing the clock trying to get their to-do list done! Check. Check. Check. Food planning, shopping, and preparing is a top consumer of our energies. But, then, sadly, we have many who are not even sure if they will have food to eat or where they will lay their heads. Our attention is drawn to their needs as well. We also have the special events to add to our calendars. All good.
But, many folks are tired, while praying to experience a few “Hallmark moments” with their families and friends before all is done. How do we lay hold of this Christmas Peace? Is it even possible … ?
Was the First Christmas Silent?
Thinking on a descriptor of the historic first Christmas, the word “silent” might be a stretch. Without doubt, it was a holy scene as the newborn Christ child entered our world. Who would have imagined God would send his Son in the form of a human baby?
But, when the angels sang the night Jesus was born, they boldly proclaimed the good news from the starlit skies. In addition, it was probably not silent as Mary delivered God’s son. There were birth pangs. Her body was fully human as was the child she carried. She no doubt cried. Baby Jesus must have cried with his first breaths to exercise and clear his lungs. Were the animals so dumbstruck they stood without a single moooo or baaaa? Not likely.
“Silent Night” Calls My Seeking Heart
What does your heart yearn for? What does my heart seek? I long for God’s presence in my busyness. I hunger for those moments when my heart is undistracted. God calls me to sit with him and listen. He desires me to know His peace, the one that passes all human understanding, (Philippians 4:7).
Therefore, in reflecting on the reason my favorite church service is Christmas Eve, I believe it reveals my heartfelt desire. Christmas eve (as celebrated in my church) reveals my quest for peace. As we sing “Silent Night,” candles flicker, illuminating the sanctuary with a soft light. Everyone’s face is aglow. The familiar Carol resonates in its simple truth as we give thanks to God for His wonderful gift of Christ.
“Silent Night” – a Glimpse of “Heavenly Peace”
This “Silent Night Moment” is a glimpse of God’s greatest gift – his presence in the midst of it all. On a personal level, my life can get over-booked and over-committed. Necessary responsibilities remind me of all that is yet undone on “my lists.” I don’t see much peace in our chaotic world.
However, it is not SILENCE I crave. It is God’s PEACE. The definition of peace is “a state of tranquility or quiet.” It is God with us — Immanuel! “Sleep in heavenly peace …” the refrain sings out.
My Prayer for You
This Christmas I send my prayers for you to embrace this beautiful peace God has for each of us. Think on the wonderful gift of Jesus, and how He is WITH you whenever and wherever you are.
May He lift your burdens as scripture says in Matthew 11:28-30: “I will give you rest.” What a promise to our world-weary hearts. Merry Christmas and peace to you in this holy season.
Until we meet again …
God had given so many prophecies about Jesus’ arrival you’d think they would have been waiting for Him on the curb in Bethlehem! Micah 5:2 nearly gives the address. But it was the magi from another land and another religion who had studied the ancient prophecies who put the pieces of the puzzle together.
God’s presence has come even closer to me now as the troubles pile on. Have you noticed how trouble comes in multiples? But look at what Psalm 46:1 says “God is our refuge and strength an ever present help in trouble.†The more troubles the more keenly I’m aware and sense His abiding sweet presence. Consider Hagar, kicked to the curb by Abram and Sarai, pregnant, unmarried and abandoned. Yet God makes a personal appearance to this lowly servant girl with specific instructions for the present and promises of hope for her and the child’s future. So she calls Him Elroi, Genesis 16:13 the God Who sees me (a singular use of this name). His specific divine leading through my troubles has made His presence come even closer. Moment by moment the directions come and the path opens before me. And He’ll do the same for you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8